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Efficient large size SLM equipment

Proven metal additive manufacturing process



Application: aerospace, mold industry, automobile industry and other large size parts are widely used in the industry.

Dimetal-650 is the latest multi-laser large-size metal laser selection from Rega Zone melting equipment, forming size 625mmx625mmx1100mm. It is rega years of technology Accumulation of representative, but also at present the domestic market can be formed on the rare large size of laser selection Melting equipment. Dimetal-650 can be used in aerospace, die and mould industries, automotive and other industries Dimensional parts have a wide range of applications in the industry.

Scanning speed up to 34m/s
Molding cavity size 625mm*625mm*1100mm
Layer thickness 0.02mm to 0.2mm

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Application: mould, automotive, aerospace, nuclear military, orthopaedic medicine

Dimetal-450e is a highly efficient solution for large-size metal 3D printing applications. It adopts multi-laser and multi-galvanometer forming scheme in the same format, which can improve the forming efficiency by more than 80%. It can be used in mold, automobile, aerospace, nuclear power military industry, orthopedic medicine and other fields.

Laser infrared ytterbium doped fiber laser, 500W
Molding size 450mm*250mm*300mm (net molding size)
Feeding mode feeding powder two-way variable speed powder spreading

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Application: mould, automotive, aerospace, nuclear military, orthopaedic medicine

Dimetal-450 is a highly efficient solution for large-size metal 3D printing applications. The dual laser and dual mirror forming scheme can improve the forming efficiency by more than 80%. It is the first time to adopt a closed internal powder processing system to reduce the harm of dust to human body. Used in mold, automobile, aerospace, nuclear power military industry, orthopedic medicine, etc.

Scanning speed up to 34m/s
Molding cavity size 425mm*425mm*450mm
Layer thickness 0.02mm to 0.2mm

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