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Application: mould, automotive, aerospace, nuclear military, orthopaedic medicine



Dimetal-450 is a highly efficient solution for large-size metal 3D printing applications. The dual laser and dual mirror forming scheme can improve the forming efficiency by more than 80%. It is the first time to adopt a closed internal powder processing system to reduce the harm of dust to human body. Used in mold, automobile, aerospace, nuclear power military industry, orthopedic medicine, etc.


  • Nuclear power military industry
  • automobile
  • mould
  • orthopaedics
  • Aerospace


Large size multi - laser homogeneous surface forming

The forming efficiency can be increased by more than 80% and the forming efficiency of large size parts can be realized

Intelligent operation design

Unattended automatic operation printing, automatic/manual control free switch, self-diagnosis function, safety protection and automatic fault alarm

Fresh air protection system

Lejia fresh air system efficient operation, field mirror air shower shielding protection to ensure high quality and precision forming

Closed internal powder processing system

Enclosed powder internal processing system, isolation printing system and external environment, reduce the harm of powder to human body


  • Device name/model


    Scanning system

    Scanning speed

    Molding cavity size

    The thickness of the layered

    Feeding way

    Molding material

    The forming speed

    The control software

    The data format

    Power supply and power consumption

    External dimensions of equipment

    The environment temperature

  • DiMetal-450

    Infrared Ytterbium doped Fiber Laser, 500W (optional 700W)

    Dynamic focus scanning system

    The highest 34 m/s


    0.02 mm to 0.2 mm

    Double cylinder unidirectional powder supply

    Stainless steel, cobalt chromium alloy, titanium alloy, high temperature alloy, die steel, aluminum alloy and other metal powder

    2-80 - cm? after/h

    Independent development of control and path planning software system

    STL file or other convertible format

    380V 50Hz 10Kw

    2540mm (L) *1500mm (W) *2454 (H)

    Operating temperature 15-30¡æ


